Random Bytes - Just some random thoughts

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Sound of Silence

"Sound of Silence", that's the nickname i use on MSN. And i had many ppl asking me as to what exactly was the meaning that. And i am actually tried of xplaining to the world what its all about. So, i thought it will a good idea to put it on my blog and next time someone ask me, i will just direct them to here.

Actually, there is nothing much to xplain b'coz its all a very simple concept.

If u really want to know what is the Soundof Silence, all you have to do is quietly sit in a quite place and if to tell the way my KG teacher puts it - "pin-drop silence". And try to listen to all the sound that u can hear in that silent room. Well, then what ever happens is all personalized.

For me, it was like a chat session with the Divine Power. Mainly when i have some kind of trouble, this is what i do - listen to the "Sound of Silence" and i am able to face the troubles in a positive way.

As i mentioned earlier, the effect is all personalized. This actually helped SOME of the people. While, other didn't actually feel anything at all. And this actually help one my friend to get a sound sleep !!!!


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