Random Bytes - Just some random thoughts

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Worst day of ma life............

When i wokeup, my neck was paining as my sleepin posture was not right. Applied some cream and got some relief.
When to brush ma teeth, cannot find my brush and almost spend the half-hr lookin for it.... Success finally.
After brushing, i switched on ma PC & found that my DSL connection was cut due to the bill.
As i did not have enough cash, i went lookin for my dad's cheque book he gave me to use incase of emergency. Then i find that it is in my dad's briefcase and i forgot t unlock- code. So, i called all t way to India to ask my dad for t code. After preparin ma cheque & went for ma bath and there in t bath-tub i was almost about to slip for a great fall....
As i had to participate in a quiz competition on behalf of my institute, i had to follow a formal dress code. Then i found that all my formal shirts were put for wash and i only had my casuals. So i went digging through my wardrobe to find a forgotten bi-color formal shirt of mine and it was a suitable material for summer. But, i had no choice & had to wear that. Not to mention t tough time i had ironing that shirt.
Then as i was packing my bag, i found that it was torn and i had to go for a new one. Morning was not a good time for to go shopping for a bag and not forget that my parents are in India & i'm short of cash. So, i went lookin for my bro's bag. I found it, but it was filled with trash. So i had to clean up his bag!!!
Well, all finally step right. Then, was that it was time for me to leave so i went down speeding. Luckily, i was JUST on time.
The silver lining to black cloud was that, t Sharjah-Dubai road traffic was really smooth.
At Dubai, i first went to my dad's bank(Dubai Islamic Bank) to get t cash. And there, the cashier gave had to give me Dhs. 1000 & he gave it to me as one Dhs.100 note and the remaining Dhs.900 in Dhs.50 notes!!! (i.e., 18 Dhs.50 notes). And his sweet excuse being that he only had 3 Dhs.100 note and all the remaining was Dhs.50 note. The other notes are yet to come.
Then, i went to my bank (National Bank of Dubai) to collect my credit card. There my banker said that the receipt for the initial deposit i made was missing, so i will be able to get t card only after 3-4 days.
Luckily, i was on time to my collage. There only three of us for the day(me, sam & dan). My teacher said that she was going to give us the test(perilously planned). But b'cos i had the quiz thing, i was busy preparing for that and i was not able to prepare for the test. Same with dan(forgot it) & sam( was in t quiz). So, we told her that we shall do it in the next class. But, she was stern. I only had 15 mins and i couldn't do anything. Then when she gave the test and i had to attempt it. Then at the end of the test, i told her that i couldnot answer as i wasn't prepared. Then as none in my class was prepare, she agreed to give t test in the next class.
During the break, i told dan that i shall to Etisalat( at Khaleej Center) in the afternoon after 1 to settle my bills. That's when he told me that Etisalat closes in the afternoon and only opens at 4 pm. So, then we all went to Khaleej Center to settle my bills, thinking that we can be back before the next class starts. As soon as i reached Etisalat office, the first thing i saw was "Working hours : 9am - 7pm". The second thing was the looooooooong queue, as i was not interested to come back in the afternoon i had to stand in t long queue.
Unfortunately, we reached class 20 minutes late. Ibrahim was there with his as usual "miss-the -bus excuse". Got a goood lecture from Mr.Faizal on discipline & punctuality and he continued with the class.
In between the class, a senior girl(she told me, but i forgot her name) came to sir and told him that she wants to write her project on to a cd and Sir asked her to go to Mrs. Treasa. And after class when i was going for my lunch, i saw that Girl standing at the reception with a very depressed and dull face. On speaking to her, she told me that Mrs. Treasa said that she wasn't sure on how to do the CD writing stuff. And that girl did not even know how to write a CD. And to make things worse, in Mrs. Treasa's machine the USB port was not working( the girl's project was in her thumb drive). So then, i went to another machine and copied the files there & put it on the network and then i took the files into Mrs. Treasa's machine via the network and wrote the CD. I was really hungry was trying to finish it get out of the place. As i finished writing the first CD, i just put it in to check if it was working. And there starts the mess, the CD drive was not opening!!! So then finally i had to restart the whole system. Then took that CD out and copied the next CD and got out of the palace. Headed for lunch along with dan & ibro. Luckily, the lunch was fine and got back back to collage. Only problem being that the heat was killing me.....................
Then headed for the quiz at Crown Plaza. After the written elimination round,we had a small tea break. Then we all were preparing to leave. Sam & dan went early. Then it was me, raj, izz & ibro and left by 7:50 pm. We waited at the bus stop for sometime, but all the bus coming there was all packed up and the drivers were not allowing the passenger to enter the bus.
Then at about 8:10 pm, raj came up with the idea that we can walk all the way to Burjuman and it was only a 20 mins walk. He was supported by izz & ibro. First i tried to put some sense into there head but all in vain...... So, majority wins. We decided to walk. After about 15 mins, ibro told me that the walking was not as easy as he thought it to be.
At about 9:10, we reached Sana fashion's Junction. From there, Burjuman was about 15- 20 mins of walk. And izz also told that it was really tough. So then i finally called up my car-lift guy and asked him to pick me from Union Co-op(near Sana Fashions). Well, then we struggled through the regular Dubai-Sharjah traffic and reached home by about 10:50.
That's when i saw that Ahkam had called me, but i did not hear as my cell was in silent mode. When i called him up, he asked my as to why i was feeling so tried. Then i told the whole story. Then there this guy tells that he was left office and was heading sharjah at about 8 pm........ And could have picked up.
Cursing myself, i logged on to net to check my Gmail. And this what i see.....

Server Error

The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds.

That's what i really wanted for the time. Tried accessing Gmail after about 5 mins or so, the same old problem.
That's when i noticed that my blog was on the next tab. So, here i am blogging about the worst day of my life................

Just wishing that this day is over..............
good night.


  • At 6/05/2005 12:31:00 PM , Blogger Sandil said...

    Her name is Madiha ...

    That's y GMail is still in BETA

    And I TOLD YOU THAT ETISALAT DOESN'T CLOSE in the afternoon!!! Jeez!

    Anyway the day's over for now - tomorrow's a new day. Same shit - different day!


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